If you bought a VIP pass we have an announcement that will get you up out of your chair! This year Savannah Stopover Music Festival is hosting live in-studio sessions at Savannah’s new music studio, Dollhouse Productions, where you will be able to witness several Stopover bands record some of their tracks in a live, intimate setting. You will be able to enjoy Midnight Moonshine Bloody Mary's and cold SweetWater beer wh
ile sitting in on live recordings for a one in a lifetime experience; trust us, you won't want to miss this! If you're debating to buy or upgrade to a VIP pass this is just another reason why you should.
The Dollhouse Studio is located at 980 Industry Drive, Savannah, Ga 31415
Below is the schedule for the Savannah Stopover In-Studio Sessions @ Dollhouse Studio:
Friday 3/8 Session 1: Young Buffalo Doors: 11:30 AM Performance: 12:00 PM
Session 2: HOTT MT Doors: 2:30 PM Performance: 3:00 PM
Session 3: Country Mice Doors: 4:00 PM Performance: 4:00 PM
Session 4: Fine Peduncle Doors: 5:00 PM Performance: 5:30 PM
Saturday 3/9 Session 1: this mountain Doors: 11:15 AM Performance: 11:45 AM
Session 2: Field Report Doors: 1:00 PM Performance: 1:30 PM
Session 3: Royal Canoe Doors: 3:00 PM Performance: 3:30 PM